UGC Annual Report 2015-16
The University Grants Committee (UGC) has produced its Annual Report for 2015-16. The Annual Report seeks to enhance stakeholder communication and transparency and give a fuller description of the major work of the UGC in the past year.
Table of Contents [PDF file]
- University Grants Committee (UGC) Members[PDF file]
- Foreword from the Chairman[PDF file]
- Role and Functions of the UGC[PDF file]
- Teaching and Learning Quality[PDF file]
- The "3+3+4" New Academic Structure[PDF file]
- Research and Knowledge Transfer[PDF file]
- Internationalisation and Engagement with Mainland China[PDF file]
- Governance[PDF file]
- Secretary-General's Report[PDF file]
- Activities Highlights[PDF file]
- Figures and Statistics[PDF file]
- Annexes
- Annex I: Terms of Reference of the UGC, its Councils and Sub-Committees/Groups[PDF file]
- Annex II: Membership of the Research Grants Council (As of 31 March 2016)[PDF file]
- Annex III: Membership of the Quality Assurance Council (As of 31 March 2016)[PDF file]
- Annex IV: Members' attendance at the meetings of the UGC, its subcommittees and groups (from 1 April 2015 to 31 March 2016)[PDF file]
Download full report (48.4MB)
- UGC Annual report 2015-2016[PDF file]